Inside Is Outside

Hello world!!!
I recently participated in an environmental event called “INSIDE IS OUTSIDE” that I wanted to share with you!!
The event is based around environmental activities aimed at getting people out to learn about their environment in a fun way.
The day was an opportunity to get active outdoors , improve local habitat ,reconnect with nature , become aware of the current situation , cleaning up litter and learning new ways to protect the environment through volunteering and community events.
The full event was focusing on educating and engaging people to take the initiative and awakening greater environmental awareness within ourselves as well as collaborating and learning from others through dialogue and local initiatives.
The idea as shown in the picture below was to form a line and start moving forward leaving everything behind crystal clean. After being satisfied with the result we went to the nearest trash can to throw the litter that we picked up with so many happy faces proud of the outstanding accomplishment that we achieved!!    
To finish we got back to our clean park to Meditate and practice Tai Chi!!!! Tai Chi’s graceful movements used to provide relaxed focus and to engender a deep sense of relaxation to release inner tensions. IT WAS MAGICAL!! 
It has been a great experience attending this event. I think it was very successful and I fully enjoyed it.I also had the honor to meet many intelligent and lovely people. I have benefited very much from this fantastic event and I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to people who have made it possible!!
Don’t forget that everyone can be a part of the change          

                                                                                 Go Green And Help Save The Environment.

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